About Us

We are Matthew Whaley parents, friends, and grandparents volunteering time in multiple ways to support our school! The PTA is a non-profit organization designed to facilitate parental participation in Matthew Whaley Elementary School.

We are honored to have been named a 2020-2022 National PTA School of Excellence!

National PTA’s School of Excellence program supports and celebrates partnerships between PTAs and schools that work to improve the educational experience and school environment for every child. As a National PTA School of Excellence, at Matthew Whaley, families feel welcomed and empowered to support student success, and PTA is a key partner for continuous school improvement. The School of Excellence program provided guidance to assist our school in engaging families in school decision-making, and help our school build inclusive policies related to education, health, safety or the arts. 

Becoming a National PTA School of Excellence began with the joint commitment of PTA and our phenomenal administrative team to work together to welcome all families, communicate effectively, support student success, speak up for every child, share power and collaborate with the community. Our school has successfully mastered these commitments and we applaud everyone for doing so. 

The path to excellence is a journey, not a destination, and we encourage your continued participation toward our goals, as this distinction places our PTA in the running to become a Phoebe Apperson Hearst Award recipient, which recognizes success in integrating family-school partnerships. We are extremely proud of the work that we have done to enrich the educational experience and overall well-being of all students.

Thank you for your commitment to our school community. Thank you for helping us reach this noteworthy milestone for our school and community. 

¡Nos sentimos honrados de haber sido nombrados Escuela de Excelencia Nacional de la PTA 2020-2022!

Matthew Whaley acaba de ser nombrada 2020-2022 Escuela de excelencia de la PTA Nacional. El programa Escuela de excelencia de la PTA Nacional es un programa que apoya y celebra las asociaciones entre las PTA y las escuelas para mejorar la experiencia educativa y el entorno escolar para todos los alumnos. Al ser una Escuela de excelencia de la PTA nacional, las familias se sienten bienvenidas y competentes para apoyar el éxito de los alumnos y la PTA es un socio clave para el mejoramiento continuo de la escuela. Este programa brindó orientación para ayudar a nuestra escuela a involucrar a las familias en la toma de decisiones escolares y a construir políticas de inclusión relacionadas con la educación, la salud, la seguridad o las artes.

El camino hacia la excelencia es un viaje, no un destino, y alentamos su continua participación, ya que esto coloca a nuestra PTA en la competición para convertirse en una ganadora del Premio Phoebe Apperson Hearst para el éxito de la integración de las asociaciones familia-escuela. Estamos sumamente orgullosos del trabajo que hemos realizado para enriquecer la experiencia educativa y el bienestar general de todos los alumnos.

Convertirse en Escuela de excelencia de la PTA Nacional comenzó con un compromiso conjunto de la PTA y nuestro fenomenal equipo administrativo que quisieron trabajar juntos para dar la bienvenida a todas las familias, comunicarse de manera efectiva, apoyar el éxito de los alumnos, hablar en favor de todos los niños, compartir el poder y colaborar con la comunidad. Nuestra escuela ha logrado con éxito dominar estos compromisos y aplaudimos a todos por hacerlo.

Gracias por su compromiso con nuestra comunidad escolar. Gracias por ayudarnos a alcanzar este hito honorable para nuestra escuela y nuestra comunidad.


PTA Values


We will work in partnership with a wide array of individuals and organizations to broaden and enhance our ability to serve and advocate for all children and families.


We are dedicated to children’s educational success, health, and well-being through strong family and community engagement, while remaining accountable to the principles upon which our association was founded.


We value the individual contributions of members, employees, volunteers, and partners as we work collaboratively to achieve our association’s goals.


We acknowledge the potential of everyone without regard, including but not limited to: age, culture, economic status, educational background, ethnicity, gender, geographic location, legal status, marital status, mental ability, national origin, organizational position, parental status, physical ability, political philosophy, race, religion, sexual orientation, and work experience.


All members, employees, volunteers, and partners have a shared responsibility to align their efforts toward the achievement of our association’s strategic initiatives.

We are always looking for ways to have a positive impact and hope you will support and join us!
Contact us at mwespta@gmail.com.

2023-24 PTA Board Members & Committee Leaders

Executive Committee

President: Sarah Lichtel
1st Vice President Membership: Katie Parrish
2nd Vice President: Jessica Gilligan
Treasurer: Beth Alllar
Secretary: Shannon McCallister

Fundraising Committee Chairs

Merchandise : Amy Stout
Corporate Support: Patty Dilorenzo
Spirit Nights: Nicole Heavilin
Strawberry Festival: Tanesha Brown
Whaley Walk: Jessica Gilligan & Gail Albert
Yearbook: Melissa Reeves & Rachel Maris-Wolf

Student and Teacher Focused Committee Chairs

Garden: Mary Kate Galke
Mattey’s Closet: Lindsay Purse
Mattey's Munchies: Lindsay Purse
Reflections: Amina Belkadi
Supply Closet: Sarah Huber
International Night: Muricia Davis

Family Focused Committee Chairs

PTA School of Excellence: TBD
Membership: Katie Parrish

Communication Committee Chairs

Peachjar/Flyer: Lesley Henderson
Website: Katie Parrish
Facebook: Lesley Henderson
Bulletin Board: Katie Cole & Kelly Stello

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